Sunday, November 22, 2009

Wow, so life has been tearing along at an insane pace in the last few days. Ok, weeks.

I have been so busy at work, I'm losing my hair. (no, not really). We are currently mid-way through the "Recruitment - Selection - Allocation - Induction process. This means we are finding new members to join AIESEC, selecting the ones that are the best fit for the organisation, training them and putting them into teams.

It's been crazy. This week is selection interview week, so we have people coming and going all day, having hour-long interviews. I've done some as well, and the people are very promising.

I'm also still trying to keep fit. I'm certainly a lot healthier than when I left Australia. I'm feeling and looking good (if I do say so myself). Having two very fashionable friends is also helping my wardrobe!

The mountains are covered in snow - it's my mission every morning to check them out, to see how covered they are, if there are clouds obscuring them etc. Some days it's so cloudy, it's as if the mountains were never there in the first place.

The air is getting colder and we breathe out fog in the mornings. It won't be long until the snow starts falling in the city, I'm sure. The air at night is so cold, I know it's going to creep into my bones very soon. Time to start layering under those coats!

My team has been in Oman this week at a conference, so I have been the only MC member here. It's been fun though - nice not to have those stinky boys cluttering up the place :P

well, I think that's it for the minute. Nothing of consequence has really been happening (except adventures to different coffee shops). I'll write again when this madness of recruitment is over.

1 comment:

  1. haha, soon they are going to clutter up your place again. Sounds interesting and the TM area started really to work. ;-)
    I hope it's going to snow soon although the traffic must be terrible... but here we don't have snow or any signs of it but the christmas feeling started - the christmas market with hot wine, 1st advent is on sunday,...
    I hope you don't get a cold or swine flu, just enjoy! Bastian
