Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Ok - great news.

I applied to facilitate at a conference next month, and I was accepted!

I will be going to Turkey (Biggest Smile Ever) for ATEMCO - a conference with 700 delegates, running from 12-15 December.

I the re-entry visa is in the works, I will be able to get back :)

The conference is being held in Antalya, this massive tourist spot on the Mediterranean Sea.

I really can't wait - I'm so excited. I will be travelling by bus, because a. it's cheap, and b. I get to see parts of Iran and Turkey that I just wouldn't see by plane.

oh wow, oh yay! I really can't wait. I haven't been to a conference in sooo long, I can't wait to get my faci skills back in practice, and can you imagine being in a room with 700 passionate, excited, driven young people? What an adventure.

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