Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Office Party (we wish)

Saman (my boss) left to Malaysia for International Congress, AIESEC's largest conference of the year. So while he is meeting all these wonderful new people, (including my friends!), experiencing new cultures, and learning a whole bunch of cool stuff (nah, it's cool, I'm not jealous), we are left behind in the office.

Last weekend was spent at Sepehr's place, doing approximately bugger all. It was so good to just chill out. We watched movies, ate food, all that normal weekend stuff. It felt great! I met his parents, his sister and brother in law, his grandmothers and his auntie. Massive weekend of family time, which was really good, because I'm starting to miss my family a lot.

My language skills are improving slowly. I know more words than I can count on two hands, and can put little things together. It's mostly just words though, little snippets. Sara (Sepehr's sister) was telling a story, and I was so surprised to realise that I could understand it! My reading skills are still pretty crap, I just need a lot more practise. It's not at all helped by the fact that the vowels are invisible in Farsi. They don't write them, so you just have to 'know' if it's an 'ah' 'eh' or 'oh' vowel between the consonants.

The daily life stuff is pretty standard. Wake up, go to work, do stuff, go to bed. The evenings usually are filled with coffee shops (yay!) or visits to the park.

This weekend I am planning to lock myself in my room (did I mention my banshee-roomate has gone on holiday for 3 weeks?!) and work on my Training and Assessment qualification. If I don't have it done soon 'bad things will happen'.

That's enough for now. much love.

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