Friday, July 3, 2009

I always wondered why blogs I loved to read tended to 'fade to black' just as it was about to get interesting. Now I know why! There's just no gosh-darn time in the day anymore :)

On July 1, I officially became Member Committee Vice President Talent Management, LC Expansion and Communications/IS, for AIESEC in Iran.

Yep - this is our baby now. There are three people in our team, doing the work of 5. But we are ready. There is going to be an horrendous amount of work to do this year, but I can already imagine the benefits that the work will bring, for the members of AIESEC Iran and for us.

In other news, three of my newest friends are leaving Iran this weekend. Martijn from Holland and David and Bastian from Germany have completed their internships here and are heading home. These guys have been invaluable to me - every tip, trick and direction has helped so much. It's like that saying about how you never ask a local for directions - they'll always miss something. These guys have taken in everything, wrapped it up and presented it to me. I'm going to miss them a lot.

Social life has been interesting too. House parties are quite common here. Everyone just gathers together and chills out. A weekend ago (two?) we headed up to Sepehr's place to celebrate his birthday. We had a crazy-massive lunch, then sat in the shady yard, smoking a water-pipe and playing charades. It was the most relaxed day, and the total opposite of how we'd celebrate a birthday back home.

Today I did a meet 'n' greet with one of our new interns, Jerry from the USA. David, Tabiri (my team mate responsible for Exchange) and I wandered around, tried to get money exchanged (today's Friday, so everything's closed), and ended up having lunch at a TERRIBLE fast food joint in Vanak Square. Then we walked up to Mellat Park, chilled out there on the grass for a while before heading home.

Sorry if this is a bit disjointed, but a crappy update is better than none at all, yes? I'll try to organise my thoughts and write some more soon.

Love and miss you all. xoxo

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